About the Journal

The Nigerian Journal of Human Movement, Wellness, Leisure, and Sports (NJHWLS) is a multidisciplinary journal dedicated to providing the opportunities of documenting current trend, theoretical, empirical, non-empirical, and original peer reviewed research papers on various aspects of human movement, health education, wellness, and sports. The area of coverage include but not limited to physical education, health education, physical fitness, sport administration and management, recreation, human performance, dance, adapted physical education, sociology and psychology of sports, biomechanics, exercise physiology

Current Issue

Vol. 2 (2020): Nigerian Journal of Human Movement, Wellness, Leisure, and Sports
					View Vol. 2 (2020): Nigerian Journal of Human Movement, Wellness, Leisure, and Sports

A Journal of the Department of Kinesiology, Health Education and Recreation, Faculty of Education, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Osun State

Published: 2024-06-09

Full Issue

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  • Only original submissions are allowed; articles must not have been previously published or under consideration by another journal.
  • Submissions are to be written in English. The manuscript should be typed in double line space on A4 size paper with Microsoft words, Time New Roman 12 point fonts size and should not be longer than 5000 words in total, including abstract, tables, figures and references.
  • The title, author(s) name and affiliation and the full address showing e-mail address, and mobile number to which correspondence should be on a separate sheet
  • Each article must be accompanied by an abstract of not more than 200 words with focus on the objectives, methods, results, conclusion s and recommendations; and a maximum of six key words
  • References should adhere to the current APA style of referencing. Visit www.apastyle.org
  • Table should be self-explanatory and inserted in the body of the paper.
  • All manuscripts shall be reviewed initially by the editorial board and only those papers that meet the scientific and editorial standards of the journal will be sent out for double-blind peer review.
  • A manuscript shall be accepted for publication on when it pass the plagiarism detection test with a score of at least 70 for originality and having met all ethical considerations
  • The journal charge paper vetting fee like many other journals.
  • Paper acceptance notification will be made know to contributors within 2 weeks after paper submission


Vetting Fee: Three thousand Naira only (N3000) Non refundable Publication Fee: Twenty Thousand Naira only
Payable to: ACCOUNT NAME: Aderonmu Kehinde Adebayo
ACCOUNT NUMBER: 0051940783 (Savings)
BANK: Access Diamond Bank

Papers for publication should be submitted electronically as attachment in a readable Microsoft
Word format to the following contact persons below:
Dr. K. A. Aderonmu
Editor - in Chief